Acne and menstruation, homonal acne in adulthood

If at theadolescence,acne can be severe and get wild because of the floods ofhormones due to puberty, what about thehormonal acne in adulthood ?

What are the links between periods and acne ? In between birth control and acne ? What are the gestures and habits to follow and apply in order to avoid these small and large buttons who can poison everyday life?

acne pimples in adulthood-acne-rules

What is acne?

Acne is a skin illness which affects many people, more or less intensely, on the face but also on the back, shoulders and décolleté. This chronic disease, which is very difficult to control and resolve, is caused by a hormonal variation. The glands which secrete the famous sebum then malfunction. L'excess sebum originated the formation of open comedones as well as closed comedones (blackheads and whiteheads).
The red buttons (papules, pustules or nodules) are an inflammatory reaction to the overgrowth of bacteria.

Why do we get pimples as adults?

Everyone is not equal. It's a story of genetic, skin ,food,environment, stress. In short, you will have understood that not everyone starts on the same footing when it comes to acne. Other factors are added and increase the chances of having more or less severe acne:

  • La genetic. If one of your parents has oily skin, you are more likely to have oily skin yourself. oily skin which will be an ideal ground for the proliferation of blackheads and other beautiful red buttons ou white buttons. Excess sebum production saturates the pores of the skin, the skin no longer breathes, it is clogged and impurities will settle there. Inflation can then begin.
  • Ton make-up (poor quality or applied excessively) and your bad make-up removal but also make-up brushes contain many bacteria.
  • La your pillowcase must be renewed regularly in order to limit contact with tissue saturated with impurities and other dead skin on the face and hair.
  • But also the stressstyles, Pollution or tobacco are to be taken into account.

And hormonal acne in all this?

Many external factors can amplify the acne phenomenon, but today we want to talk more specifically about thehormonal acne.

Hormonal acne is, as its name suggests, directly related to hormones. And if you have followed the latest articles that we have released, especially on the period , the female body is upset every month by many different hormones. These directly influence the female cycle, period and l'ovulation.

So, we understood that at the puberty, at the time of first periods, the hormones are going crazy, it is not surprising, although painful, to see some acne in the teens or Girls. But why the adult women know, also and again, hormonal acne? Quite simply because these women will have skin that is specifically sensitive to the hormonal variations experienced by their body at each cycle.

The menstrual cycle is punctuated by the production, increase and decrease of certain hormones. This variation, which takes place according to the different stages of the cycle has an impact on the skin. let's keep them female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone,male hormone, testosterone orstress hormone, cortisol. Fluctuations in these hormones affect sebaceous glands. These produce sebum. When sebum production is disrupted, pimples then form.

How to recognize hormonal acne?

Hormonal acne is not so different from acne experienced in adolescence. We find there:

  • the famous blackheads,
  • rarer whiteheads,
  • red pimples with a white tip on the surface of the skin,
  • red pimples under the skin.

THEhormonal acne in other words, of the adult woman of childbearing age, manifests itself more in the lower part of the face. It is localized to the chin, around the mouth, at the bottom of the cheeks and on the lines of the jaw.

Hormonal acne therefore returns cyclically and is also influenced by several events in a woman's life, such as a delivery, a IVG or the menopause. During the postpartum period, when the hormones are completely upset, it is not surprising to observe moreacne than usual. Find our article dedicated to postpartum:
Postpartum, lochia and menstrual panties 

Acne and periods, premenstrual acne

The figures and studies are there. Very many women note a worsening of their acne before their period. We remind you that the period preceding your period is called the luteal phase ( Periods. The luteal phase). It is during this phase that the woman can feel the PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome. Very varied and different from one woman to another, from one cycle to another, the symptoms are as much psychological (anxiety, irritability) as physical (headaches, fatigue). During the luteal phase, the female hormones are at their lowest while the Testosterone, male hormone goes up. In short, more variations that lead, a big week before your next period, to the appearance of new pimples.

Is the pill a solution to counter hormonal acne?

In our article, Periods and Contraception: the consequences on your menstrual flow, we discussed the different contraception possible and in particular the case of pill. We remind you that there are two types of hormonal pills:

  • la combined pill ou mini dosed based on two hormones estrogen and progesterone,
  • la progestin-only pill ou micro-dosed based on a synthetic progestogen.

If you wish reduce your acne, the combined pill can be a solution. Be careful, however, a pill cannot be prescribed only to reduce your acne. This must be a thoughtful act discussed with his doctor and his gynecologist. The 3rd and 4th generation pills represent a certain risk leading to thrombolic diseases. It is therefore really necessary to inquire before choosing such a solution.