How to calculate your female cycle?

female cycle, period , hormonal cycle, different terms to talk about the cycle that governs the women's life of childbearing age. Of the puberty to menopause, all women are familiar with this cyclical and repetitive phenomenon: female hormonal cycle. Do you have questions about how the menstrual cycle works? Find our series of complete articles on the menstrual cycle:
Our complete and uninhibited guide to the menstrual cycle is also a good file to better understand his body. Keep a menstrual calendar and calculating your cycle can be a good idea for getting organized, anticipating, putting the odds on your side to get pregnant but also to know if we have delay. It is also important to observe its cycles to know if they are more or less balanced, if they do not shift. In short, following the progress of its cycle is important and quite simple. We promise no scholarly calculations, we will explain everything to you!
menstrual calendar

The menstrual cycle and its different phases

First of all, we remind you that a female cycle is made up of four different phases:
  • the period ou with medium flows, always managed serenely with a beautiful pair of period panties clean, pretty, inexpensive and reliable Louloucup or a cup or Loulou menstrual cup ;
  • la follicular phase or pre-ovulatory during which the follicles mature;
  • theovulation, a mature follicle ruptures and releases a oocyte ready to be fertilized by sperm;
  • la luteal phase and the last phase of the cycle prepares the endometrium for potential implantation or for the next period depending on whether or not fertilization occurs.

Average female cycle, imperfect female cycle

Le female cycle lasts on average 28 days. Be careful though, this is not a precise phenomenon. It is influenced by a whole host of external factors that can disrupt it: stress, eating disorders, sport practiced at a high level, but also certain illnesses or treatments. So from one cycle to another, the duration may vary slightly (28 days, 30 days then 27 days, etc.). Don't panic to notice a very slight lag early or late. It's exactly normal.
Governed by hormones (estrogens, progesterones), the menstrual cycle is a vast well-honed machine which can therefore experience certain setbacks. Nothing to worry about if the variation in days remains slight, if there is no pain or other unusual manifestations accompanying your period.

calculate your female cycle

Knowing how to count or calculate your female cycle is not so hard!  

Why calculate its cycle?

Yes why take the trouble to calculate its cycle? For several reasons.
Get pregnant, to know when one is more or less fertile, to know the fertile days and approximately the ovulation day increases the chances of getting pregnant faster. It also works in the opposite direction, if you do not want to get pregnant, it is useful to know your fertile period in the cycle or the month, in order to avoid all unprotected sex and thus avoid the risk of unwanted pregnancy.
Calculating your cycle is ultimately to have control of your cycle and your body, to better understand it, to clearly identify the various manifestations that occur during the cycle. You have some cravings a little weird and inexplicable or are you more irritable, weaker or more depressed? You are surely going through luteal phase and the famous PMS, Premenstrual Syndrome. You notice some transparent losses in fairly sticky quantities, comparable to egg white? You are surely in full ovulation. This is why it is interesting to know your cycle and to know what phase you are in!
Summing up, it is useful to know how to calculate your cycle if you want to have a baby or if you don't want to be pregnant. It is also obvious that the calculation of your cycle makes it possible toestimate the next date of your period. Very practical in order to anticipate the washing your period panties Loulou for example.

What is the correct way to count your cycle?

Do not panic for the worst in math, calculate your female cycle is easy. You should already know how long his cycle lasts. You have no idea? No problem, base yourself on 28 days, the average number of days in a menstrual cycle. the first day of your cycle is the first of your rules. Simple so far. You then count 28 days, this will bring you to the start of your next cycle's period. Obviously, each woman being different, each cycle is different. A hormonal cycle usually lasts between 25 and 35 days. They are considered short if they last less than 20 days and long if they last more than 35 days.

Write down the first day of your period on a calendar, your agenda or your bullet journal. Then then add 28. This will take you to the start of your next cycle. At first, if you are not sure of the average duration of your cycles, it may lack precision. After a first cycle, readjust with the specific number of days of your first cycle. it will be more at your personal pace.

menstrual calendar

Keeping a menstrual calendar, the right tools

After several months and several cycles, you will therefore be able, normally, if you have no irregular periods, know exactly when your next period is.
Follower of bullet journal, fluorescent and other colored pens? Make yourself a menstrual chart staff to report your period days. You can very easily find models or inspirations on the internet, Instagram or Pinterest.

To know the dates of your next period, very useful and well-made tools are available. Of the applications to find on Playstore or Appstore and to download on your smartphone or tablet are very well thought out. Very often free, you can enter important information. The app then estimates the date of your next cycle, it can notify you a few days before with a notification. For some, you can note some symptoms felt. Finally, very useful for women trying to get pregnant, some apps provide information on the fertile window or fertile period (the days before and after ovulation) to increase the chances of getting pregnant.
Distrust however, counting the days of his cycle has never been a method of contraception sure when you know that a spermatozoon can stay alive for 5 days and that many disruptions can occur shifting the day of ovulation.