What is an SPM?

PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, is a syndrome that affects many women of childbearing age. 50% to 80% of women are affected by SPM.

Very variable, from one woman to another, from one menstrual cycle to another, the very different symptoms and many can be trivial, annoying or very disabling on a daily basis.
If PMS proves bearable for the majority of women, 5% of them are subject to a very severe form of PMS, called premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

Nature of symptoms, daily severity, origins, factors, solutions, Louloucup accompanies you and helps you better understand and cope with PMS.

PMS pre menstrual syndrome

When does PMS appear?

This problem of women's health usually occurs a week before your with medium flows a few hours. Some women may even notice symptoms two weeks before their period.

Le female menstrual cycle is then in luteal phase.

During this last phase of the hormonal cycle, the ovarian follicle ruptured and released the egg, which yellow body releases progesterone which thickens the endometrium. Estrogen et progesterone are at a high rate. The SPM is directly linked to the rates of these hormones.

To learn everything about the menstrual cycle, check out our super in-depth series of articles on the different phases of the cycle:

The female cycle will no longer hold any secrets for you! You have a particularly specific menstrual cycle long or rather short? Here again Louloucup helps you to see more clearly. 

What are the symptoms of PMS?

Greater 150 symptoms have been identified for PMS. The range is therefore wide, very wide. It is therefore all the more difficult to diagnose. These numerous symptoms do not all manifest themselves at once and at the same time, fortunately!

The symptoms can be of two types, either physical or psychological. It is when there is an addition of several of these symptoms that PMS becomes tiring and disabling for the woman.

Physical symptoms of PMS

    • a weight gain temporary, bloating, water retention,
    • constipation or diarrhea, transit disturbances,
    • of breast pain (tension, tightness, heaviness in the chest and breasts),
    • of eating disorders : cravings, variations in appetite, quite inexplicable desire for certain foods,
    • headaches, headaches, migraines, dizziness, dizziness, fainting, feeling unwell,
    • fatigue mild to intense, lack of energy, lethargy,
    • nausea, vomiting,
    • acne, itching, dermatitis, skin rashes,
    • menstrual pain, cramps in the lower abdomen, abdominal cramps,
    • back pain, joint pain, muscle pain,
    • swelling, stinging sensation in the hands and feet,
    • hot flashes,
    • hypersensitivity to certain lights, smells, noises or touch.

      It may be noted that many physical symptoms are similar to symptoms experienced during periods (cramps, back pain, constipation, swelling, fatigue, etc.)

      Psychological symptoms of PMS

      • stress,
      • confusion,
      • irritability, aggressiveness, low mood, negative, anger,
      • depressive feelings, depressed moods,
      • despondency, no more desire, apathy,
      • feeling of tristesse unexplained,
      • feeling of being overwhelmed, of not being competent enough,
      • desire to isolate oneself from others, not wanting to see or talk to others,
      • easy crying for unfounded reasons, crying fits,
      • emotional hypersensitivity, heightened emotions in the face of a situation,
      • feeling of exasperation,
      • mood swings,
      • lack of concentration, difficulty concentrating on a task or on work,
      • sleep abundant or insomnia,
      • decrease in libido.

      Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

      When PMS becomes debilitating on a daily basis and prevents the woman from leading a normal day, we then speak of premenstrual dysphoric disorder ou TDPM. This disorder is a tenfold PMS, much more intense, which must alert and be treated.  

      PMDD appears around the age of 30 to 35 and manifests itself during the luteal phase. Psychological and emotional symptoms are exacerbated: trough, want to suicide, panic attack, lack of interest in everyday life, important things, need for protection, in short these are symptoms of PMS felt much stronger and much more intense.

      Cognitive therapies and behavioral can then be real solutions to help women better manage their emotions, accept them and live with them.  

      PMS risk factors?

      Some women are more predisposed to PMS and its symptoms. In fact, several factors can cause it, including: 

      • Genetic : For a long time, doctors and scientific researchers have wondered about PMS and they have found that the risks are much higher if a close relative has been affected. However, no genetic cause has been formally confirmed. This is just research and observation, but since your genes are involved in all aspects of your physical and emotional health, it is safe to assume that PMS is related to genes.  
      • The stress : Several studies have shown that when you are in a stressful situation, when you are under any kind of pressure, such as pressure at work or family, stress can cause PMS symptoms. Bloating or menstrual pain are the most common symptoms of PMS. 
      • Diet : Among the factors of PMS, we find diet. Indeed, your diet can greatly affect your menstrual cycle. The intensity of PMS symptoms can be more or less significant. We mainly find, linked to this factor, symptoms such as irritability, anxiety or bloating. 
      • The Depression : women with symptoms of PMS are, according to research, more at risk of developing forms of depression. More specifically, we will talk about postpartum or prepartum depression. 
      • Chemical changes: in some women, hormonal fluctuations can cause the brain to overproduce chemicals. Serotonin, for example, directly influences sleep and mood. Therefore, the emotional symptoms of PMS may be more intense if the chemical change has resulted in an excess of serotonin.

      How to diagnose PMS?

      It can sometimes be difficult to diagnose PMS. Indeed, since so many symptoms result, doctors sometimes have trouble confirming this diagnosis. Although the majority of symptoms are mild, mild and of short duration, it is possible to make a diagnosis of PMS as soon as the symptoms are regular and directly affect your personal activities.

      Because no diagnosis can be made following a blood test, we will speak of " clinical diagnosis " In other words, doctors will rely on their own knowledge and experience, as well as your symptoms, to confirm or not the diagnosis of PMS.

      To help doctors reach their conclusions, don't hesitate to keep a journal where you record your symptoms each month, their intensity, and the first day of your cycle (i.e. the first day of your period). This way, your doctor will be able to more easily understand what is happening to you and will be able to diagnose premenstrual syndrome or another gynecological problem.