Menstrual cycle disorders: irregular periods, explanations and solutions

Ton period accumulate surprises? Despite your calculations or what your menstrual app, do you see your period coming on when it was not planned at all? Or are you going to experience particularly different and unbalanced cycles, very long then short, with a light flow then very abundant? In short, it's a complete mess! You are then subject to irregular periods or to irregular menstrual cycles.

With these atypical periods, difficult to organize. You always have to anticipate a pair of period panties emergency (just in case), it is also difficult to get pregnant for those who want to! THE female cycles Disorders can lead to several important problems in the life of a person. woman.

No taboo between us, many women unfortunately know this problem! For many reasons, they will experience irregular menstruation, short, elongated, absent or multiplied in a cycle. A beautiful chaos that we would like to avoid!

So, today, Louloucup gives you some explanations, some possible reasons for the irregular periods, menstrual cycle disorders but also potential avenues and solutions to remedy the problem.

We will define together what exactly irregular periods mean, we will talk about reasons for irregular periods (contraception, stress, infections, etc.)

First of all, what do we define as irregular periods?

There are a lot of scenarios covered by the term “irregular rules”. A definition is in order: 

  • Periods are said to be irregular when they come on an unexpected date, earlier or later, compared to your usual schedule. You notice several days late or several days ahead of forecasts. THE first day of menstruation is therefore a surprise that we discover when going to the toilet. This is neither practical nor pleasant. This can cause stress and take you by surprise. You may have your panties stained. It's uncomfortable. 
  • A cycle is irregular when it is too short and lasts less than 25 days. It's called the polymenorrhea. A menstrual cycle is also irregular when it is too long compared to average. This phenomenon is called spaniomenorrhea and lasts more than 35 days. As a reminder: a regular menstrual cycle and considered normal is on average 28 days. Obviously, no woman experiences perfect, regular 28-day cycles her entire life. The latter will evolve, change, shift between the puberty and menopause. It is neither worrying nor serious. On the contrary, it is completely normal and natural. On the other hand, it is considered irregular when short or long cycles persist over time.
  • You have some irregular periods, if your periods are not of the same duration from one cycle to the next. For example, your losses will last 5 days then in the next cycle, only 2 days, then in the next cycle 7 days, etc. As a reminder, regular periods last between 3 and 6 days.
  • Ditto for the intensity of the menstrual flow and bleeding. Periods are irregular if you notice light spotting (oligomenorrhea) then in the following cycle particularly abundant losses (menorrhagia).

You will especially remember that we talk about irregularity when the periods are not alike from one cycle to another (volume, intensity, duration, frequency, etc.)

What can be the reasons for irregular periods?

Maintaining the cleanliness and efficiency of your period swimwear is essential. Whether you choose to know his period , his body and observe the signs. Because an orderly and well-established menstrual cycle is the sign of a healthy body. On the other hand, if you detect several anomalies, several irregularities, you can ask yourself questions, without worrying too much. Several very different causes can impact the periods, their arrival, their intensity or their frequency.


La contraception is one of the main reasons. Hormonal contraception disrupts your cycle by depriving it of ovulation. The pill, the hormonal IUD or even the subcutaneous implant alter your periods. This may be suitable for some women who prefer not to have them. Still others prefer to continue experiencing them to reassure themselves.

The stress

    A significant psychological event, an emotional shock, a stress important or even intense fatigue can impact your periods. THE jet lag, depression, the stress of an exam, deuil, shock following an accident or even the practicing a sport at a high level can unsurprisingly disrupt your cycles or deprive you of your periods (amenorrhea).

    A food problem

      A significant loss (thinness) or gain of weight (overweight), obesity, anorexia, eating disorders (bulimia) disrupts a woman's menstrual cycle.


        Following childbirth, the return of diapers (return of the rules) can take time to harmonize. Irregular periods can therefore be observed without worrying too much. It takes several cycles to get everything back into place. THE return of diapers occurs approximately 2 months after delivery if the young mother is not breastfeeding. If, on the other hand, you are breastfeeding, the return of diapers is delayed during breastfeeding. There Prolactin (hormone produced by breastfeeding) delays ovulation and therefore menstruation.

        The puberty

          Irregular periods are often notedadolescence during the first cycles, it is completely normal to puberty.


            It is also normal to notice a disturbance after the age of 45. The women in pre-menopause should not worry about this phenomenon. An irregular menstrual cycle is one of the symptoms of menopause.

            Certain medications and treatments

              Drug treatments can interfere with menstruation. Heavy treatments (chemotherapy, etc.) like other specific medications can affect your periods and make them irregular. 

              Some diseases

                Certain illnesses can disrupt your periods (endometriosis, SPOK Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, dysfunction of the thyroid, pituitary gland, hypothalamus or even polyp, fibroma, benign tumor). In this case, irregular periods can be symptoms and can alert you to your condition. Once again, we can only encourage you to consult a competent health professional who will be able to answer your questions and doubts as well as conduct the appropriate examinations. 

                  Irregular periods, when should you worry?

                  As seen above, you can worry if you observe other symptoms in addition to irregular periods: pain, acne, hyperpilosity, very heavy bleeding, bleeding between your periods.

                  Observe these problems and do not hesitate to speak to a competent health professional who can reassure you and/or carry out more in-depth examinations in order to rule out potential illnesses. Doctor, gynecologist or, medical professional must be present to answer all your questions. When to consult?

                  In case of severe pain

                  When your irregular periods are accompanied by pain lively, acute and difficult to deal with on a daily basis, (called dysmenorrhea).

                  In case of sudden change

                    When you have always had a well-defined cycle and suddenly everything is out of order (more abundant or on the contrary lighter), much longer or on the contrary much shorter than before.

                    In case of accumulation of several pains

                       When you combine various disorders: pain during sexual intercourse, lower back pain, pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, etc.

                        Getting your rules back on track, is it possible?

                        So are there any solutions to have a regular menstrual cycle ? Natural treatments? Homemade solutions? Or necessarily a more supervised treatment by a doctor? Hard to say. Above all, we must know the reasons for these disorders and treat them.

                        Review your contraception

                        Some estrogen-progestogen contraceptives (see our dedicated article Contraception & Menstruation) based on hormones (estrogen et progesterone) can be adjusted to the nearest day.

                        La mini-dose pill or combined in 21 days + 7 days in placebo tablets leaves room for well-regulated and fixed “rules”. Artificial, they are present to reassure the woman and can even be avoided. It is the same for thevaginal ring or contraceptive patch. Of withdrawal bleeding take place in the fourth week. Hormonal treatment can therefore often be the solution for women experiencing highly disturbed menstruation.

                        Take care of yourself

                        If the disturbance is emotional or psychological (stress, fatigue, etc.). You can remedy this by working on it with the help of a psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist. A stressed or anxious nature can be soothed with sophrology sessions, for example. By resolving psychological problems, certain physical problems are often resolved.

                        Finally, we cannot end this article by recalling the importance of good menstrual routine. Periods may be irregular, but never uncomfortable with our teen period panties and our Loulou menstrual cup ! Equip yourself with the best hygienic protection to spend your period days dry and with complete confidence. Don't wait any longer and shop your lot quickly of Louloucup menstrual products!