Menstrual cups and active living: move with confidence

Working girl, active mother, high school student, student, sportswoman or frequent traveler, the You can wear a menstrual cup is particularly interesting and practical for many women during their periods.

With period panties, silicone cup are hygienic protections which represent alternatives to tampons and pads for a calmer menstrual cycle and more balanced, respected feminine hygiene.

These washable hygienic protection and sustainable, zero waste and healthy for your health, offers very appreciable freedom of movement during menstruation.

With menstrual cup, we move with complete confidence. No fear of leaks or stains on the butt. You can run, go shopping, take the children to daycare, work, take public transport, go to class while forgetting your periods and feeling fundamentally good about your skin and your body!

freedom menstrual cup

The menstrual cup, practical internal intimate protection

Unlike the pair of period panties which collects blood and stores it in its absorbent membrane, the cup or You can wear a menstrual cup inserts into the vagina to collect blood directly. Blood is not in contact with air.

It is therefore, in the same way as the sanitary tampon, a internal intimate protection. It does not protrude, it is invisible since the cup is inserted into the vagina. This is an important first point to emphasize. Indeed, the fact that this protection is internal is really practical. No blood everywhere, no discomfort and above all the very pleasant feeling of freedom: you can move, move, make the movements you want without being embarrassed.

Invisibility and discretion of the menstrual cup

These hygienic protection being internal, it is invisible and hyper discreet. Nothing is visible, nothing protrudes: no cord, no thick towel. The menstrual cup is therefore perfectly suitable for women and young girls who do not want any demarcation under their pants, leggings or sports shorts.

Heavy periods and cup

La You can wear a menstrual cup is a periodic protection that effectively retains menstrual flows the most abundant. A blessing for athletic women and girls who experience heavy periods, very abundant and particularly strong.

When you move your body (during sports or throughout the day), menstrual bleeding tends to flow faster. It's pretty normal. The menstrual cup (see, menstrual cup size) has a reservoir large enough to retain intense flows (even due to a copper IUD).

For further : Are my IUD and my cup good friends?

Move with a menstrual cup with confidence for an active day

For Working girls or high school students, menstrual cups are hygienic protections that are easily inserted. They can be worn for several hours without moving, without leaking, without getting in the way.

Are you taking the plane, the train or the bus? A long trip awaits you? Opt for the You can wear a menstrual cup ! This periodic protection, an alternative to tampons, is safe and reliable and allows you to have peace of mind for long hours. No risk of leaks, bad odors, unpleasant sensations of humidity, no maceration or discomfort.

Practicing your favorite sport is not contraindicated during your period. On the contrary, it can soothe pain. There menstrual cup is then the hygienic protection and lasting periodic perfect for physical activity.

For further : Sport and rules: difficulties, benefits and preferred activities

Cup and sport: no contraindication

Horse riding, fitness, running or swimming, the You can wear a menstrual cup is suitable for the practice of all sports. No known health risks, no menstrual problems, the cup is perfect. The medical grade silicone cup offers much appreciated freedom of movement that tampons and pads cannot give us.

Focus on: the menstrual cup and swimming

La You can wear a menstrual cup is also ideal for swimming enthusiasts. And yes, the cup is an alternative to the tampon and can very well be worn and used during a swimming session but also water polo, synchronized swimming and other aquatic sports.

La menstrual cup collects blood efficiently and is much healthier than the tampon in this situation. With its string, the tampon is in contact with chlorinated swimming pool water and can attack the balance of the vaginal flora. With the cup, no risk, no problem. It ensures excellent sealing: nothing escapes, nothing seeps in.

For further : The menstrual cup: a good solution for bathing in complete peace of mind.

Another possible way to swim peacefully and ensure top feminine hygiene while swimming? Test it our period swimsuit : Louloucup menstrual swimsuits, feminine and efficient!

The Louloucup: a flexible and gentle menstrual cup made in France

Made in France, at a fair price, firm or flexible, but always soft, vegan, in medical silicone and with a clean composition, our Loulou cup is really designed and made for you: athletes, teenagers, active women and young girls who run everywhere every day, even during their periods! It is a washable periodic protection, a perfect alternative to tampons, excellent news for your feminine hygiene and for your period .

Your intimate protection must be a true ally. To avoid risking saturation, leaks and discomfort, test our cup. This periodic protection en silicone available in two models, in two different sizes:

  • the Rose, classic and more or less firm in size S or M,
  • Turquoise, soft perfect for sensitive bladders for example, in size S or M.

FYI, the size of your menstrual cup depends on the nature of your menstrual flow.

Our two models of menstrual cups adapt to your privacy and morphology while avoiding the risk of irritation and itching due to the composition of the tampons. Our cups manage all menstrual flows even the most abundant (just like the most absorbent tampons).

The cup remains one internal female protection which must be removed every six hours maximum. It must be emptied and rinsed before being inserted again. You can also have two menstrual cups and alternate them to always use a clean cup. It is necessary to follow these few instructions in order to obtain the best experience.

Loulou menstrual cups

To find out more about thefeminine hygiene, menstrual problems, alternatives to tampons, consult our articles:
- Louloucup menstrual cup user manual
- The complete guide to menstrual cups
- What should you remember about toxic shock syndrome?
- Tampons = danger: is this expression true?

So, we remind you that our Loulou cups in medical grade silicone are eligible for the tailor-made lot at a decreasing price. The more Loulou products you add to your cart, the more you save. Menstrual panties, menstrual cups or menstrual swimwear, save money.

The price of the Loulou cup set at €28,90 increases to 22,90 € if you add 5 products to your cart. Excellent news for sustainable period routine, washable but accessible. You can therefore wear the cup during the day and put on soft menstrual panties in organic cotton for a peaceful night. Perfect !