Each woman is different, each menstrual cycle is different and by correlation the periods are always different. Let's talk about the menstrual cycle and rules without taboos!

🩸 How does a menstrual cycle work? 

Periods are regulated by hormones in your brain. They are the ones who send the different messages that trigger bleeding, period symptoms, but also premenstrual symptoms

But before that, let's go back to basics: 

  • A menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days. This is a large average, since in reality very few women have such precise adjustment every month! Rather, we are talking about a window of between 20 to 35 days for menstrual cycles. 
  • This cycle is then divided into three phases: the periods, the ovulatory phase and then the phase which prepares the arrival of the periods which is often linked to the premenstrual symptoms (and even to the PMS, but we will talk about it below). 
  • The first day of the cycle corresponds to the first day of menstruation and therefore the last day turns out to be the day before the next period!
  • Bleeding lasts on average between 2 to 5 days.

🩸 The 4 points to understand your menstrual cycle

What is her menstrual flow like?

The menstrual flow represents the intensity of the rules. Each menstrual flow is different in terms of: its color, its intensity, its texture...

When we talk about “normal” menstrual flow, we are particularly talking about the flow that we have once our menstrual cycle is established and stable. 

To give an idea, his menstrual flow represents on average between 2 to 5 tablespoons of blood, or between 30 to 70 mL of blood per cycle.  

Here's a general guideline:

  • Light flow: 30 mL/cycle
  • Medium flow: 30 to 50 mL/cycle
  • Abundant flow: 50 to 70 mL/cycle
  • Very abundant flow, even hemorrhagic: more than 70 mL

These are the benchmarks we use to determine the perfect cut and composition for our period panties 

It's completely normal to feel like you're losing a lot more blood. It is for this reason that the use of the menstrual cup is a perfect tool to determine your menstrual flow and realize the amount of blood you lose during a cycle. 

It is often more abundant the first two days of menstruation, giving way to very red blood. Little by little, the color of the blood evolves to give way to blood that is more pink, brown, even black, because the bleeding is lighter. 

Some flows are more watery, while others can clot or be thicker. It depends on your body and where you're at during your cycle. But it's all normal!  

These alterations are totally normal, because many elements can interfere with the menstrual flow: 

  • age, 
  • Contraception, 
  • The stress, 
  • Some drugs...

Hormonal contraceptives will tend to reduce the intensity of menstruation when, on the contrary, the copper IUD will tend to make them more abundant and more liquid. 

So don't panic, it's normal! :)

  • Hemorrhagic flow: We speak of very abundant flow, even hemorrhagic when the rules last more than a week and it is necessary to change sanitary protection every hour, for several consecutive hours. If you think you are prone to hemorrhagic flows, it is advisable to consult a professional to invalidate certain disorders. 
  • amenorrhea: this is the absence of periods. This case can be caused by eating disorders, intensive sport, certain medications or certain diseases such as polycystic ovaries, thyroid problems, etc.
  • oligomenorrhea: this is the term for light periods (less than 30 mL/cycle)
  • spotting: not to be confused with oligomenorrhea, because spotting happens to be the signs of bleeding between periods, signifying a hormonal imbalance.


🩸 How does the ovulatory phase work?

After the end of the rules, our body prepares to welcome a potential fertilized egg that will turn into a fetus. This is when our endometrium thickens to allow it to cling effectively. 

If we want to discover how our body works, over your cycles, we are able to learn more about the period in which we are located. 

Indeed, the ovulatory phase results in two elements: 

  • The appearance of the cervical mucus : its texture and intensity evolve over the cycle,
  • The rise of basal temperature : the temperature when our body is at rest (so the temperature before setting foot on the ground in the morning, upon waking).

🩸 All about PMS

As women, we are often more irritable, impatient or even more tired when our next period arrives. This is perfectly normal. There is no need to feel guilty about this part of our functioning. 

Premenstrual syndrome therefore represents the physical and psychological symptoms that occur in the second part of our menstrual cycle, when our estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate.

PMS affects only 20 to 50% of women, sometimes more sensitive to hormonal fluctuations or with lower serotonin levels. 

The symptoms may be different for everyone:

  • irritability, 
  • anxiety attacks, 
  • a depressing mood, 
  • headaches 
  • bloating, 
  • breast tension...

To limit these symptoms, we recommend reducing the consumption of sugar, salt and caffeine to make way for physical activity which will generate endorphins (well-being hormone).

We can also take the time to hold un PMS log for at least 2 cycles in order to identify the symptoms which recur frequently, even systematically. We will get to know each other all the better and this will allow us to read between the lines to know when our rules are showing up. 

🩸 How to relieve period pain 

Coming back to menstruation, it seems important to talk about the subject that touches us all at least once: menstrual pain. 

They occur when our uterus contracts in order to eliminate the uterine lining. These pains, like cramps, can reach the pelvis, back, stomach and even the thighs. 

The intensity varies from one woman to another, being able to go until vomiting. 

To relieve menstrual pain, here are some tips that may save you next month: 

  • Exercise, even walking. Indeed, it will stimulate blood circulation, increase oxygen levels and release endorphins to provide well-being, 
  • Relax the muscles with massages and different sources of heat. A good hot bath and a hot water bottle can be of great help.

With all this information, that's enough to feel more comfortable with your menstrual cycle. Again, we are all different and therefore normality when it comes to periods does not exist! The objective is above all to get to know each other, to feel guilty and have fun while wearing our beautiful teen period panties or a You can wear a menstrual cup for his sporting outings!